Often it considered the cross as "universal symbol of so many suffering men, convicted and unjustly killed throughout history because of political, religious or military powers, whatever their distinctive ideology. the cross is a symbol, depending who died in her punishment, justice or injustice, curse, etc.But the cross on which he died our Lord Jesus Christ is totally different for all humanity messages, God made man dying nailed, being humiliated, belittled, butchered, have powerful messages for each of us that we can not overlook tonight that we celebrate the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.The message of the cross is a Bible study too consider when studying the BibleGod sits on His throne and you are on Earth. And between you and God, suspended between heaven and you, you are Christ on His cross. Your sins have been laid on Jesus.- The Message of the Cross- What does he cross the world today?- When Paul speaks- The purpose of the cross- The Power of the Cross- Cash The Message of the Cross- Sermons - Audio Bible StudyThe power of the cross transforms lives. Our Lord used a phrase in the middle of the mental haze produced by the drug, to prepare the heart of a man.Then, once the Lord caught his attention, It took that person from the deep well of despair!To complete the study the application includes:+ Christian Reflections+ Christian Sermons+ BibleThe cross symbolizes more than his love also represents wisdom in designing a plan to maintain his holiness and perfect justice.God bless you